Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Assignment Session 6

Assignment Session 6

Q You’ve read a lot about copyright in this session. For your homework assignment, you need to submit a paper on what, if given the power, one thing you would change about copyright law. Limit yourself to one item and state your case. Opinion Piece Length 1-2 pages (2-3 for graduate students) Spacing Double Format APA, MLA, Turabian Citations and works cited required? Recommended but not required. If you state a fact, you need to back it with a source and citation. (Graduate students need to have at least 2 sources) Presentation required No Submit online Yes. Word, PDF, or RTF only. No .pages documents. Anything else? Do not copy/paste into the comments section.

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While talking about copyright laws, it is not possible to avoid the Berne Convention. This treaty has been signed by almost all the countries. The convention actually forces other countries to respect and honor the copyright laws on other countries. It is important that all countries copyright laws meet with some minimum standards. One interesting fact is that it actually took a century of time for all the countries to get on board with this treaty. Intellectual property law is now a crucial part of the economies of various countries and also international trade and in no way, we should mess with that treaty.